This is a personal blog, as anyone who has read it over the years can attest. It's catharsis for me, putting words down and letting them loose. I am, above anything else, a writer, and I always will be. Sometimes it's humorous, sometimes it's serious, sometimes it's just a random, crazy thought. It's more for me than anyone else, although hopefully sometimes somebody finds something amusing or otherwise worth reading.
I've missed blogging, and in my new, post-apocalypse world, I'm eager to go back to it. I've lost a lot of things recently, but this is my patch of ground. This is me and no one else. I've been warned, post-apocalypse, to be careful about making certain people "uncomfortable." Well, not to put too fine a point on it, fuck that noise. My purpose in life is not to make random people comfortable or uncomfortable. And if you are uncomfortable, perhaps you should look deep inside and explore that a little, because maybe you should be uncomfortable.
I've spent a lot of time lately keeping my mouth shut, and spent too much time surrounded by some people whom I could please only by my sudden and unmourned disappearance. Too bad. I will be judicious, because as the great Buckaroo Banzai said, "Don't be mean. We don't have to mean," but I'm through being, as I was brutally called recently, "invisible."
And no, for select people who might work themselves into a lather, I'm not burning anything down, just reclaiming what's mine. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of tortured metaphors, inside jokes, cryptic blatherings, and general nerddom. There will probably be some very sad and difficult things, at least for a while as I work out my new place in the world. I've given a lot of thought to what I will write, and to what I won't, and to the toxic things I will write and never post, because once I've got them out of my head they will have lost their venom and would do no one any good in the end.
And if you have the time, you might go backwards and read some of the archives. There was some really funny stuff and some really touching stuff, and a few moments in my life that were very important, caught forever in a little snowglobe world. No matter what happened or is yet to happen, those moments are real and they are precious and I'm glad that I put them down on paper when I had the chance.
How Clean Should a Space Station Be?
11 hours ago