Been busy, busy. Love/hate relationship with the holidays. Children have too many activities: soccer team/drama club/choir/school pageant/boy scouts/college finals/dorm emptying. My shopping is not done.
To top it all off Terriers has been canceled.Oh, I knew it was coming. You know how I knew? For one thing, it was great TV. And I don't mean just good, enjoyable, kill-an-hour TV, I mean GREAT TV. You know how else I knew? Tim Minear was an executive producer.
I love Tim Minear. For some unfathomable reason, TV karma does not. Why the way Tim Minear is treated is proof there is no god. (Unless it's Cthulhu, because Cthulhu and the elder gods do NOT want you to be happy.)
May I present my exhibits? Angel, and the non-existent Season 6. Firefly. Wonderfalls. The Inside (wowsers, that was dark, even for me. I loved it.) Drive. Dollhouse. Did I mention Wonderfalls? And now Terriers. If Tim Minear is even peripherally related to a TV series, it is doomed to die before its time. Sigh.
At least Terriers had a chance to wrap everything up with a nice bow. (unlike Now and Again, damn you all to hell CBS. I shall go to my grave wondering about the Egg Man)
Terriers was perfect, or as close to perfect as you can get. Nothing wasted, no plot holes, no deus ex machina, no sudden and inexplicable collapses of character motivation. It was as good as anything I've seen on TV, and I'll admit I got sucked in and invested myself totally in it. Even though I knew it was doomed.
If you missed it, find it when it comes out on DVD. It's worth it.
Alexandra Dillon's Painted Household Objects
2 hours ago
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